October 10, 2019, was a very special day for me. After passing so many ups and downs during for the past four years, I finally finished my study at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Yeah! I am officially graduated. As the first person who earns a bachelor's degree in the family, this graduation day was so meaningful not only for me but the family. Thus, let me drop some of my roller-coaster experiences for the last four years in this post as a form of appreciation toward myself who have been so strong and walked so far to reach this step. I am going to tell the struggles and sacrifices, which, perhaps many people have no idea about what I have been going through all this time. It's all started from here. I still remember how I cried so hard over my failure that afternoon, realizing that I have lost a very important chance to make my future better. Someone said that expectation is the root of all heartache. I do agree! ...